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Food Pantries



Refugee & Immigrant Services Program (RISP)

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No Cost Supplies

& Services



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Family Support


Cold Weather 




Supporting Our Neighbors in Need

Catholic Community Services offers the services below to our neighbors who are struggling.

Food Pantries

Food Pantries

Feeling strained by your weekly grocery bill? Hundreds of households rely on food boxes from our Springfield and Eugene Service Centers every month. Our friendly CCS staff members and volunteers are ready to help you get the food you need today. Stop by in person during our food pantry hours or contact us to learn more.

Food pantry

Food Pantry Hours


Eugene Food Pantry

Springfield Food Pantry

Clothing Closet

Clothing Closet

Struggling to find affordable clothing for yourself or your family? Our Springfield Community Service Center is home to the CCS Clothing Closet, a volunteer-run boutique full of free clothes for our clients to choose from.

Clothing Closet Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am - 12pm

Last voucher given at 11:45am

Springfield Clothing Closet

Want to donate your used clothing items to a neighbor in need? Click below to learn how!

Catholic Community Clothing Closet
No Cost

No Cost Supplies & Services

Unsure where to go for essentials beyond food and clothing? Catholic Community Services helps families and individuals stay housed and achieve stable lives by assisting with some basic necessities. Visit our Community Service Centers in Eugene andSpringfield to request the following no-cost supplies and services:

Bus Passes

Personal Hygiene Supplies

Senior Home Food Deliveries

Eyeglass Vouchers

ID & Birth Certificate Replacement

Prescription Drug Assistance



Referrals to Other Support Services

Energy Assistance

Energy Assistance 

We understand that sometimes it can be difficult to pay your energy bills. That’s why we have staff at our Eugene and Springfield Community Service Centers to help you navigate, apply for, and take advantage of the numerous Energy Assistance programs offered to eligible Lane County households, as funding permits. Here are the ways you can take advantage of this service today:

Book an Energy Assistance Appointment with CCS

Call 541-345-3628 and follow the prompts to book an appointment on a first come, first served basis so you can learn what assistance you qualify for and how to apply. You’ll be required to send documents ahead of your appointment to our CCS staff—click below for a detailed list of what to send and where to send it.


Applying for LIHEAP or Project Share?

Book your appointment today!

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Programs (LIHEAP) 

LIHEAP: Program available once per season (October through September)

- Assistance subject to available funding


Schedule an appointment using one of these methods:

1. Online: Schedule a LIHEAP Appointment

2. In person at both CCS locations

3. By phone: 541-345-3628 ext. 4008


Note: Appointment availability is subject to funding. Contact us for the most current information on program status and eligibility.

Springfield Utility Board Logo

Springfield Utility Board (SUB)

Project Share:  For low-income SUB customers, this program will only go towards the bill's electric portion, which must be past due. Available from January through December, as funding permits.


Schedule an appointment using one of these methods:

1. Schedule online: Schedule a Project Share Appointment

2. In person at both CCS locations

3. Call by phone: 541-345-3628 ext. 4007


This program runs throughout the year, subject to available funding. Interested customers are encouraged to reach out as soon as possible to schedule an appointment and check their eligibility using the three methods above.

You may be eligible for the following assistance depending on your utility provider (all programs can be received once per season)


Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB)

EWEB Customer Care (ECC): For Low-income EWEB customers. Beginning in January running through December as funding is available

EWEB customers are welcome to submit an EWEB Customer Care Waitlist Form (see online form below) beginning in January and every month after as funding remains available. 

Or, you may call EWEB directly at (541) 685-7000.

Need Help? Call CCS at (541) 345-3628

Follow the prompts and ask for assistance with completing the waitlist form. Waitlist messages left on any other extension will not be accepted or processed.

Emerald People’s Utility District Logo

Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD)

Helping Hands: For low-income EPUD customers. Program available at the end of January or early February and as funding is available.


Northwest Natural Gas (NWN)

Oregon Low-Income Gas Assistance (OLGA): For low-income Northwest Natural (NWN) customers. Beginning November 1st and as funding is available.

Gas Assistance Program (GAP): For low-income Northwest Natural (NWN) customers that have a past due balance. Assistance only goes towards past due portion of the bill. Beginning November 1st and as funding is available.

Pacific Power Logo

Pacific Power

Oregon Energy Assistance Program (OEAP): For low-income Pacific Power customers. Begins November 1st and as funding is available.

Covid Energy Assistance Program (CEAP):

For low-income, COVID affected Pacific Power customers. Begins November 1st and as funding is available.

The Oregon Energy Fund (OEF):

For low-income Pacific Power customers. Beginning in October and as funding is available.


Rent Assistance 

At times, but not always, Catholic Community Services may have Rent Assistance available for qualifying members of our community. To determine if you are eligible per your age, income and zip code to receive available rent assistance support, complete the Rent Assistance Pre-Screen Application below and allow 5 business days for a coordinator to contact you.

Rent Assistance Application CLOSED   

When our Rent Assistance Application opens, CCS will only be accepting new rent assistance applications from households with at least one member age 58+. If you need rent assistance, please contact 211 for alternative resources. Please continue to check back with us for openings on our rent assistance waitlist. If you have submitted a referral for rent assistance previously, and are working with a CCS Rent Assistance Specialist, please contact the staff member directly.  Thank you.


​When our Pre-Screen Application for Rent Assistance is available, a pop-up will appear with a button to apply. Please refresh your page to see if we are accepting applications.

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Family Support

Family Support

At the center of every community is the family unit. Whether it's assisting parents with finding employment, enrolling them in education/training opportunities, or intervening immediately to help families find shelter or stay housed, we believe in not only meeting people where they are in life, but helping them find a better way forward. Catholic Community Services offers supportive, person-centered programming for families experiencing poverty and homelessness. We provide services and connections throughout Lane County to families who have minor children or are expecting a first child within two months. We offer two programs, FSC and OASIS, to assist families dependent on qualifying factors.

Family Support and Connections Program

Family Support For Lane County Families

Our FSC Program offers families throughout Lane County the support of a caring case manager who can help find necessary resources to reduce family stress and increase opportunities for family success. If you are seeking connections to community resources for education, employment support, housing resources, support to strengthen your family or to reduce parental stress, complete the FSC Interest Form below and allow 72 hours for a case manager to reach out to you. 

Little girl with baby

The Family Support Interest Form Is Currently Unavailable 

OASIS Program

Families who are unhoused in Springfield with minor children in their care, or who have children enrolled in Springfield public schools, are welcome to visit our OASIS daytime drop-in program to access a safe place to land, a caring case manager, connection to community resources, laundry, showers and restrooms, and a kitchen for food preparation. To learn more about the OASIS drop-in program, complete the OASIS Interest Form below and allow 72 hours for a case manager to reach out to you.

For UNHOUSED Families with Springfield Connections 

OASIS Address: 1175 G Street, Springfield, OR 97477

Drop-In Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays: 8am - 4pm 

Wednesdays: 8am - 6pm

Closed Holidays and Weekends.

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Immigration Services

Welcoming Our New Neighbors!

As the only refugee resettlement affiliate office in Lane County, it is our privilege to welcome recent arrivals, creating a more diverse, stronger, and just community for all to live. 

Refugee & Immigrant Services Program (RISP)

Our Refugee & Immigrant Services Program (RISP) collaborates closely with local, volunteer-based Refugee Resettlement Coalition of Lane County (RRCLC) to provide a comprehensive hub of social services, connections, and immigration legal services with the mission to help refugees, asylum seekers and other immigrants navigate and integrate into life in their new country.

Donate today to support RISP

Our multi-lingual team of RISP staff and volunteers support refugees and asylum seekers with:

Social Services Case Management (541) 345-3628 ext 1339

• Food

• Transportation

• Health Services

• Rent Assistance

• WIC (Women in Care Program)

• Help Secure Housing

• English as a Second Language (ESL)

• School and College Enrollment

• TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

• OHP (Oregon Health Plan) 

• RCA (Refugee Cash Assistance) 

• SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Our dedicated, multi-lingual legal team of staff can provide the following no-cost/low-cost legal services:

Legal Services (541) 543-3254

• Lawful permanent resident applications and renewals

• Work Authorization

• Asylum Applications

• Temporary Protected Status

• Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) renewals

• Citizenship Applications

• Family Based Petitions

Employment Services (541) 543-5082

Our friendly employment services specialists help connect

refugees and immigrants to jobs in an unfamiliar market by providing the following assistance:

• Finding a job that suits clients' needs

• Connecting with employers

• Completing job applications and creating resumes

• Preparing for job interviews

• Assisting with onboarding process into a new job

WRD Baby
Phone icon

Call (541) 345-3628 ext 1326

FAX (541) 744-2272

Geographic location icon

Contact us for more information on services we provide or connections to other resources.


Extreme Weather Shelter Program

Family Support For Lane County Families

When temperatures fall below 30 degrees and Egan Warming Centers open, Catholic Community Services may provide motel shelter for homeless families with children under 18, subject to funding and motel vacancy.​


A referral from either a school or local social service agency working with the family is required for this program.


​For more information:




Springfield Community Service Center 

1025 G Street, Springfield, OR 97477

Family with child

Partner Agency Connections

Family Support For Lane County Families

We partner with other organizations to make our two community service centers into one-stop shops for food, energy assistance, employment services, money management, counseling and more. CCS currently has partner agency services available at its Springfield and Eugene Service Centers in these areas of need:


• Free Ultrasounds, Pregnancy Testing & Support, in partnership with 1st Way of Eugene


• Food Pantry Samples & Recipes, in partnership with OSU Extension Service Nutrition Services


• Library Card Assistance, in partnership with Springfield Public Library

Resources for the Spanish-speaking community, in partnership with Centro Latino Americano

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